embrace the unfolding?
Circulating, ventilating, generating, and all the rest: perhaps I need to embrace the unfolding….
:- Doug.

Circulating, ventilating, generating, and all the rest: perhaps I need to embrace the unfolding….
:- Doug.
Unregimenting the regimented: this may be the soul work of making more caring our caring for our elders. We certainly have the technology to deliver individual care. Instead we send a platoon of sergeant-nurses through the ranks of dependent people to make them conform to one schedule. Thus we remove from folks their privacy and any semblance of having an individual life. “[B]ut when you are old…someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” We are demonstrating our own lack of imagination, lack of humanity. It is up to us to demand of us our highest and best.
:- Doug.
Perhaps have some long days coming. So the yard work, although calling to me, will have to be minimal. My body needs to stretch.
My soul needs to stretch.
:- Doug.
What do we call the logic that is paradoxical, antinomial, synchronic, synthesis-encouraging, interwoven, complex, intricate, lateral, tangential, spiraling, circulating, meaning-making, humanizing, hate-engendering, embracing, juxtaposing, ventilating, analogical, articulate, intelligent, provocative, evocative, enlarging, generating, engaging, fellowship-finding, sensitive, unfolding? Conversation.
:- Doug.