An uncomfortable place
It may be necessary to go to an uncomfortable place if we are to make things better.
:- Doug.

It may be necessary to go to an uncomfortable place if we are to make things better.
:- Doug.
My work needs to move beyond getting more people to come to me (selling); to cultivating largeness in associating. This then makes networking and every interaction potent, a gardening.
:- Doug.
Networking can begin to make a difference in how we think, that is, can begin to work, only when there are three or more persons. Before that we are dominated by one versus one contradiction, or by selling. Therefore join groups of two or more.
:- Doug.
Describing conversation is like a leaf trying to hold on to the wind.
:- Doug.
A person is the smallest of the human microcultures, and yet of microcultures, contains multitudes.
:- Doug.