This is the larger dream:
This is the larger dream: food enough for all, no debts one to the other, and conversation whole-engendering, for ever.
:- Doug.

This is the larger dream: food enough for all, no debts one to the other, and conversation whole-engendering, for ever.
:- Doug.
Hate and conflict too are doorways to mutual understanding: doors, not walls.
:- Doug.
This daily writing, journaling, meditating, contemplating practice is an integral part of my work in the world. If I attend, it also informs the other parts of my work.
:- Doug.
Perhaps we do not have to examine our opinions and ideologies—our differences—so much as what we care about enough to fight over—our commons. Either way in to the circle ought to work, and maybe there are other doors.
:- Doug.