Playing your memory tapes
Playing your memory tapes
Causes you to walk away from people
—And life
:- Doug.

Playing your memory tapes
Causes you to walk away from people
—And life
:- Doug.
Sometimes the obvious things—our hair, our way of walking, our attitude—are sending a message. Maybe to us.
:- Doug.
Shall you walk facing backwards
Or with eyes on what is before you?
Shall you walk with your mind facing back?
:- Doug.
What is the meaning of life?
This question is beclouded thinking
What—we think it a thing to grasp
Is—Do we know what is means?
The—only one?
Meaning—What is the significance of meaning?
Of—is life really owned by meaning?
Life—As if we understood
:- Doug.
Living is the meaning
I have life
Or more accurately
Living has me
There is no me
An experiment
In flow
:- Doug.
We cannot separate these, they are not just bound up with one another, they are each other: life, love, meaning, whole, holy, thinking, creativity, more.
:- Doug.
Life is the meaning. Thinking is life and when confused and it becomes thought, life loses its meaning. Conversation is life and love: when dissipated in idleness and chit chat, loses its salt.
:- Doug.
Usually when you shut your mouth you can learn something; but if your mouth be opened by a deeper truth you can learn something profound.
:- Doug.
The campaign ought to be the message, the message the campaign.
:- Doug.
Traffic is more about cooperation than competition.
:- Doug.
This is where we create life: not just in egg, sperm, and heat of passions; but also and more so in creating and passing along creative spirit. Touching others, stirring the pot, stirring the blood. This is also the working practical definition of love.
:- Doug.
Our times are tough but if we work and if our children work, they will have better times. But let us wish for them rough seas along the way, to give them fiber.
:- Doug.
We create our lives by what we say about them to one another. We do this by laws, social conventions, our own words and actions. In the same way we create our deaths. What death do you want? What death do you think others will let you have? What death will you let them have?
:- Doug.
A jigsaw puzzle too big for the table is our society,
our family,
our life.
:- Doug.
Law is ultimately about
people treating each other well
Law is about love
:- Doug.
One bird chances
upon my feeder
others notice
and try it out
a crowd and a turn-taking
:- Doug.
Ought we then foster conflict
to the point of life and death crisis?
To find the flood and funerals and tears
and picking up the pieces?
The pieces may be what is
most real about us
:- Doug.
We are emotional creatures
afraid of our emotions!
That’s why we flee conflict
:- Doug.
On my hands paper thin skin
like my grandparents’ was
surprised am I that I am not exempt!
:- Doug.