treating each other well
Law is ultimately about
people treating each other well
Law is about love
:- Doug.

Law is ultimately about
people treating each other well
Law is about love
:- Doug.
One bird chances
upon my feeder
others notice
and try it out
a crowd and a turn-taking
:- Doug.
Ought we then foster conflict
to the point of life and death crisis?
To find the flood and funerals and tears
and picking up the pieces?
The pieces may be what is
most real about us
:- Doug.
We are emotional creatures
afraid of our emotions!
That’s why we flee conflict
:- Doug.
On my hands paper thin skin
like my grandparents’ was
surprised am I that I am not exempt!
:- Doug.
What can I do right now for the good of others, for the good of the whole?
:- Doug.
What makes you think you can tell us how it’s going to be?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1463
Please don’t promise me
to never put me in a nursing home
Instead, take me to visit my old home
bring from there my favorite things
But do not kill yourself
cleaning after me, picking up my weight,
cajoling me to take my meds:
I’d rather have your love
and give you mine
than see you stooped and wrung out
I put myself out for your
excited stories and ouchies
and puppy loves
counting it all blessing
now what I most want
most want to give you is
your hand gentle in mine
Please pass it on.
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