Sacred humanity acts
Sacred humanity is about more than thinking. It leans toward action. Action is love. Love grows us.
:- Doug.

Sacred humanity is about more than thinking. It leans toward action. Action is love. Love grows us.
:- Doug.
To converse intimately, deeply:
1. Hear other
2. Hear self
3. Hear both
4. Hear whole
____ * ____ / \ * ←→ * ←→ *
:- Doug.
the squirrel sniffs past
the shepherd’s crook
holding a bird feeder
must climb
if only because it’s there
:- Doug.
there is less true
and more true
out there than
our minds hold:
less because we
have created stuff
we must jettison
more because we
yet must create stuff
and find the
:- Doug.