walking mummified
believers don’t bring wars
and other stupidities
so much as literalists
the walking mummified those
who have their own eyes put out
:- Doug.

believers don’t bring wars
and other stupidities
so much as literalists
the walking mummified those
who have their own eyes put out
:- Doug.
frost saw fire or ice
christians apocalypse
an end is warning
against icarus and sun tzu
time-bound our minds must also
tell a story of how we started, once
still, fly we must to live
:- Doug.
1. We were a part
2. We saw
3. We thought
4. We rearranged what we saw
5. We came together
6. We rearranged more
7. We thought about our thought
8. We thought about our thought together
9. We rearranged ourselves
10. We create
11. We bring us together
:- Doug.