glimpses and
My insights are glimpses and guessings.
:- Doug.

A good example of T3 is the Medicaid caseworker interview—together advocate and caseworker are thinking about the past, analyzing and categorizing and proving. Seldom reflecting, never generating. Issacs’ picture of politeness, etc., overlaps a bit with T1…T6, but his is more concerned with the what and results of the interactions than the nature of the work that is being done (analysis, reflection, etc.) although he does approach generativity and emergence.
:- Doug.
Then I saw a universe much larger and diverse, divers too—at least 6 powers of thinking, 6 directions, 5 gestures, unnumbered dimensions beyond thought, 360 flows, and here we sit counting and sorting and guessing, when we could be! And engage!
:- Doug.
Courts are a utility. Courts are not a hindrance, but a way to get clarity and finality, commodities rare in our world. When you need water you go to the water utility, for electricity you go to a different place. A trust is good for fair weather for monetary assets for long terms. But if you need a quick disposition of human issues, a court may be your choice.
:- Doug.