Your Branching Tree
Friend, into Your Branching Tree.
:- Doug.

A friend of mine, now deceased, said “Moving! Everything is moving!” Still points do move us, that is the point, maybe, perchance, perhaps. Love is verb, yes? Questions spin around the still point of us, and we reflect, but keep coming back to the center, which has its own force, momentum at rest.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1459
Before you tell all
And tell them the truth
Slant or straight on
Show the difficulties of the proposed way ahead
Why it is easier to ignore
Why the truth is too much effort, and bloody
Then you can ask, Will you dig deeper, do?
Please pass it on.
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I cannot tag each thought I have to a particular event. Nor need I, I suppose: possibility has power.
:- Doug.