The capacity we seek:
The capacity we seek:
We already have
and devalue
Is written in a vocabulary
we do not yet possess
:- Doug.

The capacity we seek:
We already have
and devalue
Is written in a vocabulary
we do not yet possess
:- Doug.
The life unsolved
Businesses want to solve everything
As if life, my life, were a problem
As if every problem had a solution
To get exactly what you pay for
Means no more lagniappe
No mystery, no silence, no life
:- Doug.
What remarkable things have you seen in Open Space, particularly those which bring us to spirit, holy, larger, oneness?
:- Doug.
What is the life of a butterfly?
How much work in the wind?
How much fun it would be to glide
But butter takes a lot of churning
How often have I seen them glide?
:- Doug.
What is the underlying, deeper question of my work? It is How to find and release the larger within people, within the people. We are more than we are, and I have touched that. More of us can touch.
:- Doug.