Us in our transitions
Muddling with
Us is the
Leaning in
:- Doug.

How far?
Are you willing to go
To make things better?
How much better
Can you stand?
We all have limits
:- Doug.
There are at least:
6 Powers (T1…T6)
6 Directions (F, B, E, W, Up, Down)
5 Gestures (It…Do)
360 Flows
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1457
Thinking forward, thinking backward: how does this apply to families in long-term health progressions? Backward has its uses—what we have done for one another, how we have loved one another.
Forward thinking takes us through observation and construction of the current situation to what can we try—story telling, writing, painting, creativity, something new. When we care for our elders what we face most is lack of imagination. We could create a cottage industry in activities for people experiencing various conditions.
Please pass it on.
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We live in a complexity made up of conundrums, enigmas, and puzzlements. Thus complexities swim in a sea of mystery. We bury ourselves—each of the seven billion of us—classifying, mapping, and fence-building. Silly!
:- doug.