Help us do what we need
The Court is here to help us do what we need to do. Why would we use a lathe as a hammer?
:- Doug.

The Court is here to help us do what we need to do. Why would we use a lathe as a hammer?
:- Doug.
We’re all ever making it up as we go. But we are uncomfortable with new things and so we stay as close to home as we can.
:- Doug.
Where does the notion of lawful come from? Who is doing the permitting? Probably originally from strong men and women, kings and queens, those imposing on others. Then we discovered, through the likes of Thomas Jefferson and Eleanor Roosevelt, that people are the source of the imposing: we, the demos, give the power to impose to what is now called government. What now is lawful is what we have agreed (perhaps originally at several removes and now by acquiescence) among ourselves is lawful. That suggests that the agreements can be changed. If we choose. We choose seldom. This is the culprit, the leg irons on our movement.
:- Doug.
See the little children: how they watch their cartoons! How they play with sand and bulldozers and trucks and dolls! In the cartoons watching themselves, in the play testing out the actions. They are doing work. They are trying out roles, seeing how they fit, learning about themselves, choosing directions. So too adults: seeing ourselves in movies and plays and books and songs; trying out roles; absorbing something about ourselves; choosing directions, if we choose.
:- Doug.