As you go through the world
As you go through the world
the world emerges through
you are its intensity
you extend it
sometimes of this
you are conscious
:- Doug.

As you go through the world
the world emerges through
you are its intensity
you extend it
sometimes of this
you are conscious
:- Doug.
Let’s infiltrate. Let’s take the human fibres that still exist in corporations and activate them.
The object of everything is not profit: only life. Shareholders want to live. They invest money to live. They give to others. They want others to live. The large corporations do not serve the shareholders, they only serve their own sense of pride in growth and numbers. The secretary of the corporation votes the largest block of shares, solicited by the management. Those shareholders do not care how the corporation does, nor what, as long as they are helped to live. The work of the business is ultimately to help people live. Even if the business is capital goods for other businesses seven times removed from human beings.
So let’s get our league of infiltrators to meet, to engage, to bring human and life centric thinking to the fore. Let’s be real.
Let us dare to speak this truth to one another. Maybe eventually we will dare to speak this truth to those in power: Remember you are alive. Remember life. Memento vitae.
:- Doug.
No matter
how busy you are
how life knocks you about
the leaves in the trees
still dance with the wind
and you can go there
and you can be home
:- Doug.
A x B
A is the number of hours I do for you
B is the multiplier: pointing out resourcefulness you had forgotten; knowing the Medicaid and VA law; bringing in other good folks to help out
x is the hinge, the crux: the heart that puts it all in right motion
:- Doug.
You’re not thinking large enough
The theatre is all about
Characters and sets and off-stage
Something larger is
Emerging under your feet
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1449
Profits are like oxygen to a business: necessary to sustain it. However many mistake the smaller for the larger, a need for its purpose, the mouth for the soul, the servant for the master, the stomach for the heart. Profit is not its reason for existence, either for those working inside it or for those outside whom it serves. Something larger is at work. If profit were the sole criterion of success, then why not go into pornography or drugs?
Please pass it on.
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With T4 have we reached the zenith? I doubt that. Maybe we become a species of Doolittles, able to counsel with the animals … and the stars.
:- Doug.
In Open Space Technology we are watching the whole emerge as it emerges. So unless we are doing work for the larger whole, or creating a larger whole, there is a mismatch. Individuals seeking private benefit can find it here, and the group can in the process experience unconscious coherence but they will never see the benefits nor as quickly as the group working for a larger good.
:- Doug.
Open Space Technology is a holistic process and a 3rd and 4th level thinking process. (Using it for less is a waste of what we can do with beauty.)
:- Doug.
My world has gotten so turned upside down by this hospitalization, I have found it hard to think about meetings and wholes—my thoughts have contracted to the size of my medical issues.
:- Doug.
Dialogue allows us
to see the whole
as it emerges
us means each and the whole
and more—how can we know ahead?
:- Doug.
Invite right sized circles: if you have 12 people in a circle, only 1 can speak at a time. In 2 circles likely 3 times as many people speak: there is a greater chance of more ideas escaping.
:- Doug.
Shopping as recreation is something I (as a man?) do not comprehend. This is shopping by strolling among the offerings to see what I might like, with money to spend. I only comprehend Know what I want, get in, get out, spend as little as possible.
:- Doug.
Why should I not make people work to understand me? Is this not engagement? If I activate their head and heart and even hands, do I not create partnerships, find creative friends?
:- Doug.