We are invited to imagine and engage
We are invited to imagine and engage.
:- Doug.

Reflection is the definition of human, and the respirational method explains why it is useful to encourage groups to give themselves the opportunity of going to smaller groups, rather than staying always in a committee of the whole. This way we get the benefit of a more complex way of processing what we are hearing, saying, and seeing.
:- Doug.
To prepare a Power of Attorney
Is not to only prepare a Power of Attorney
It only takes an hour to prepare
And then another hour to
Explore it with you
:- Doug.
Reflection is how we became conscious
We see what we are doing, thinking
Reflection is the only way we can claim we are conscious
Reflection is the definition of conscious
And human
:- Doug.
The respirational process
—moving from large to small groups to individuals and back—
Allows for, builds in, necessary reflection (T2, T4)
:- Doug.
Ask, How is this affecting Mom?
Then, How is this affecting you?
:- Doug.
A web of connections we say
Maybe we mean
A web of which we become conscious
And yet we do
Affect, direct, invite it to morph
:- Doug.