driver going around barricades
The social form of illiteracy is selfishness. See the driver going around the barricades?
:- Doug.

The social form of illiteracy is selfishness. See the driver going around the barricades?
:- Doug.
I do not fully understand “The field speaks” but find it evocative, larger than I know, and true. The smaller truth is that in meetings sometimes someone else will speak what I wanted to, and maybe better than I would have. The next larger is the scientific discovery made in widely scattered places by people not in obvious contact with one another. The larger is larger than those and unknown to me, but felt and present.
:- Doug.
Worry not about becoming
a drop in the sea
you already are
light of tribe, church, nation, family,
corporation, community, friends
:- Doug.
A goal is a way of simplifying a world—past recognition.
:- Doug
The field speaks
The field is large
More than one of us
Will hear
& express
:- Doug.
When you look down a well
First you see your reflection
With effort you can see deeper
:- Doug.
Looking into a well
Dark, life-giving
What lives there? How deep?
From where its flows?
How deep I, flowing where?
:- Doug.
Whatever in us is larger
And us draws out
This is God who looks
From heart
The heart?
Both beauty and goodness,
Emotion and will,
Humanity and action:
:- Doug.
Do birds ever fly just for fun?
To feel the air through their feathers?
Do puppies ever tumble over each other?
Do humans ever play?
What’s the worth and need of it?
:- Doug.