Leading: hand in hand
Holy work. Leading people out. Because here it is where we co-enlarge the world, the world us. Like two kids leap-frogging over each other, or progressing down the road hand in hand.
:- Doug.

Holy work. Leading people out. Because here it is where we co-enlarge the world, the world us. Like two kids leap-frogging over each other, or progressing down the road hand in hand.
:- Doug.
We cannot know whether to others
Our life will have meaning
But we can chance to live with meaning
:- Doug.
Our holy work is to expand worlds: of individuals and families facing tough long-term care decisions, and of communities wanting to be communities.
:- Doug.
Can we utter our best thoughts?
We must first know them!
& before that figure out how to think
:- Doug.
My storytelling: Ask my grandchildren What color is her hair? Gold as the what? What special ability does she have? What is she shy about? What reason does she have to leave her home this day? Whom does she meet next?
:- Doug.
I want to find some ways to talk with people about creativity. This is part of the larger. Storytelling, craft work, handiwork: all of these things can draw people into themselves and thereby out into the larger.
:- Doug.
When did the meeting end? When we were all satisfied. Sometimes when we were all frustrated. But did it end too soon? Could we have gotten more creative? Larger? Encountered more of our vulnerability and collaboration? Did it end only because we got tired or relaxed?
:- Doug.
Do I mysteriously run into a book that speaks to the big question I have been asking, or do I ask that question of whatever I happen to be reading?
:- Doug.
Are you living in this place on its terms or yours? Are you still creating your terms of life?
:- Doug.
What do you like to do? Have you tried anything new in the last decade? Painting, poetry, pottery? What keeps your spirit young?
:- Doug.
It’s not a risk to change your life for something you want to accomplish or for a cause. It is life. Pour yours out for the greater value given not returned.
:- Doug.
If we could travel to the stars and when our grandchildren in the 17th generation reached the place, the stars might not be there any more. For what we see as the stars is the light of eons ago, a thread that might just have an other end.
And who are we to our 17th generation grandchildren—the light long since gone out?
And who are they to us—our eternal light still burning?
And what did we do way back today for them? We might not launch that star journey, but our days, every day, launch something. We choose. Or not.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1455
If some people who have trouble thinking are in some ways regressing, then what activities do we give to 9-year-olds, 3-year-olds? Could those things bring pleasure to some of our elders, help them feel engaged, heard, and touched?
If this has a fraction of truth in it, then let us examine our role too: we, their children now become their teachers, have to move beyond thinking there is a norm for where they should be. Where they are, what they are experiencing is the norm and if they do not meet what we thought, it is our shoulds which must change, for they are only where they are and lack the power to change that. We have the power to change. For now. Someday we too….
So we might move into their world and experience the awe, wonder, and fright of it all. We have the skills to take them by the hand and make it feel as good as it can.
For them. And in doing so, for us.
This then is the bringing together. Around the now, and the here. This bringing together is leading out to the larger more humane world.
Please pass it on.
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