What grabs the heart of humanity
What grabs the heart of humanity is humanity.
:- Doug.
What grabs the heart of humanity is humanity.
:- Doug.
Gathering the future
:- Doug.
I don’t say love one another
I say Love one another
With a Love larger than you
A disinterested Love
A Love for every
Rock and reptile
Galaxy and legume
:- Doug.
There can be no more wars
If any of us is to survive
If we fight our way to
The last woman standing
Surely she too will lonely die
:- Doug.
Assembling the future
:- Doug.
Bringing together the future
Are we
:- Doug.
Open Space is people together heading, hearting, and handing into the future.
:- Doug.
Clumps of people
Here and there around the world
More every day
Knowing together
Things we do not in ordinary days
Touching depths and
Doing things we are wistful for
Into the face of this future
Hand with hand
Head with heart
We too can clump
:- Doug.
Keep your heart as supple
As your hands
Your brain as limber as your heart
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1429
We’re afraid of one another—there is no call for that—99% of us are kindly and want to have a heart to heart.
Please pass it on.
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Listening is the river flowing to the deep and placid sea, Hearing. The sea accepts all that comes to it, mingles, assimilates, and becomes one with it, was always one with it.
Listening runs through the brambles and the rocks and the mud. Listening does the work. Listening starts small, notices disturbances, differences, resistance, sings over sands and smooth places, accepts the rains and the sun, but notices, notices all, brings all waters along, trusting that it will find its level in the sea, trusting the sea which it cannot know, trusting the unknown path ahead.
:- Doug.