We may fulfill the object of humanity
We may fulfill the object of humanity
By attempting a task no one of us can attain
Or asking a question for which there may be no final answer
:- Doug.

We may fulfill the object of humanity
By attempting a task no one of us can attain
Or asking a question for which there may be no final answer
:- Doug.
What might be the third dimension of conversational space? First is the In-Out continuum, second is the Personal-Whole continuum. Personal-Whole seems clearly of the heart, and In-Out of the head. That leaves hands for the dimension of perhaps Motion-Stillness. With this we can at least draw the spiral of crises and their evoked progressions. Second level crises are primarily concerned with encountering farm people who have not been to Paris. Third level is allying with those who have and so have different ideas how to change the world.
:- Doug.
We don’t so much
Create or find
We invite others who
Invite settings inviting us to
We encounter
What we evoke
:- Doug.
Safety is found in small circles. The breakout sessions with around 6 persons seem naturally to evoke this quality. Maybe there is an unspoken or even spoken agreement of confidentiality: If I am going to self disclose, then I expect and promise that what is said here stays here. Perhaps there is an unexamined safety in small numbers.
Here is reason to suggest to people wishing to combine sessions or even stay in the plenary group that the smaller groups are safer and so there is a greater chance of something new arising.
:- Doug.
A possible alternative to “a likely story” is a phrase similar to That’s funny, curious, odd, strange.
:- Doug.
It is absolutely necessary
—our society needs us
to work on what
only we only now
can find and create—
to devote serious attention
to our ripening
in aging
—and in dying
:- Doug.
Nothing so builds up our steam and trues our actions as caring people gathering.
:- Doug.
Do you use the Internet? You have a closed purpose dipping into a random system to find what you need. You have to think how others who think differently from you would think and seek out their words and phrases. We find we are humans after all.
:- Doug.
Any more, we don’t know so much what the ancients meant. They had their goodness, truth, and beauty. We can only explore the same paths. Perhaps these three are not so much virtues as elements of every human: energy, brain, and heart. Each of these is a path the exploring of which can tell us much about ourselves. Each can also remind us of possibilities without limit open to us.
:- Doug.
Shakespeare stands for me as proof of evolution. Did people really talk like that? The speech, the strange twists of meaning! It has become nearly unintelligible to us. Words change in meaning through the years and so do the choices of words for certain meanings. That tells us our manner of thinking has changed, developed over the centuries—an evolution in our consciousness.
:- Doug.
Why do you want to live? That’s not as callous as it seems. What would you do in the extra hour you have not done in the last one?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1426
Suddenly known as kin
We can
Open to be
Please pass it on.
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As we age
we might just
become subtle
ever more subtle
until we are almost invisible
about 3 years later we die
but subtlety is fun
so we should still seek it
:- Doug.
Go deeply
see the integration
the cosmic imbued
into every detail
will come out your mouth
:- Doug.
What about self organization and the implicate order? The whole is unfolding, enfolding, and what we see as self organization is the explicate side of the respiration. Self organization as we normally see it is only half of self-organization, the visible unfolding. Yet we know that organizations and meetings disband, dissolve, and then show up subliminally in other organizations and meetings, and this counts for us as immortality, growth in immortality, growth in an ever growing whole. Wholing?
:- Doug.
Simplicity holds complexity. Simplicity holds to complexity. There is a wholeness that embraces all, and I have a role. Said larger, there is embracing, embracing emerging whole, verb tickling noun into existence, then folding back into larger. Embracing, encircling, working to encircle ever encircle, wider, more: touching creates.
:- Doug.