Get wiser together
Come, let us sit and get wiser together.
:- Doug.

Don’t fit the learning to the model, but vice versa. No, that’s not true: we can derive lessons from a bird’s antics and we can use the bird’s antics to understand what we have already discerned.
:- Doug.
Cassette-tape time is kronos time: time felt as sequential. Solid state time is kairos time: hours and moments, past present and future accessed at once, even all at once.
:- Doug.
Open Space Technology opens space for groups to intuit—a flash of intuition can give clearer results than trying to reason out or research.
:- Doug.
Actors ought not portray all nuances of their character in each scene: one aspect per scene: let the audience add it up. So to for writers: let the readers do the adding.
:- Doug.
If you sit in front of a teacher, you are granting that this person knows something you do not, and you need to know that. That might not be so. On the other hand it is likely that every person in whatever room you enter knows something you do not, and that among them are some you need to know.
:- Doug.