Not “God is:”
Not “God is;”
God does
:- Doug.

A possible alternative to “a likely story” is a phrase similar to That’s funny, curious, odd, strange.
:- Doug.
It is absolutely necessary
—our society needs us
to work on what
only we only now
can find and create—
to devote serious attention
to our ripening
in aging
—and in dying
:- Doug.
Nothing so builds up our steam and trues our actions as caring people gathering.
:- Doug.
Do you use the Internet? You have a closed purpose dipping into a random system to find what you need. You have to think how others who think differently from you would think and seek out their words and phrases. We find we are humans after all.
:- Doug.
Any more, we don’t know so much what the ancients meant. They had their goodness, truth, and beauty. We can only explore the same paths. Perhaps these three are not so much virtues as elements of every human: energy, brain, and heart. Each of these is a path the exploring of which can tell us much about ourselves. Each can also remind us of possibilities without limit open to us.
:- Doug.
Shakespeare stands for me as proof of evolution. Did people really talk like that? The speech, the strange twists of meaning! It has become nearly unintelligible to us. Words change in meaning through the years and so do the choices of words for certain meanings. That tells us our manner of thinking has changed, developed over the centuries—an evolution in our consciousness.
:- Doug.
Why do you want to live? That’s not as callous as it seems. What would you do in the extra hour you have not done in the last one?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1426
Suddenly known as kin
We can
Open to be
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