They know things I don’t
They know things I don’t; I know things they don’t. It’s how much we care and do that begins a new future.
:- Doug.

They know things I don’t; I know things they don’t. It’s how much we care and do that begins a new future.
:- Doug.
Open Space Technology is a format for gathering those who care, know, and are willing, with the object of emerging something new.
:- Doug.
I sing the human holographic
you contain all
worlds universes
stars beings
when the light shines on you
when we look deeply into you
we can see
:- Doug.
When some one asks you to sell, start by asking them questions. You cannot sell what they are not buying, so find out why they would have any interest at all.
:- Doug.
You want to hear about Open Space? How deep do you want to go? What purpose do you want to serve with your meetings?
:- Doug.
What did you hear? In you and in your group? What wants to unfold, what wants to enfold?
:- Doug.
Life one whole cloth
this cloth a sea
its waves unfolding
living things here and there
in groups and singles
then being enfolded home again
If I have caught a wave
of truth in this
it may also be
that we can hear the whitecaps
unfolding and enfolding
around us
in the sea, on the shores
and this a pattern
it may take several of us
to hear
:- Doug.