We are about to engage in problem solving or
We are about to engage in problem solving, or seen a bit larger, developing the ability to see how beauty, truth, goodness and all the people are woven together.
:- Doug.

We are about to engage in problem solving, or seen a bit larger, developing the ability to see how beauty, truth, goodness and all the people are woven together.
:- Doug.
There is this one fabric called life and all living things are part of it unfolded for a time then folded back in. If what I have just said has an element of truth in it, then we should be able, individually or maybe only together, to listen to the folding and unfolding patterns of living that want to come through us.
:- Doug.
The heart has ways of learning
the head and the hand know not
and they as well
:- Doug.
Open Space is a method of problem solving, or for those of you more hands-on or who think organically, a way of weaving issues and opportunities and the people who care.
:- Doug.
He removes the log from your eye
You remove the speck from hers
Together we see more and more and more
:- Doug.
Speak the word new
Draw the circle larger
Brave now, courage, converse
Include the student, the lesser
Include the politician, the lost
Go off-script: small voices make new
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1425
We think of courage as fire
As cliff and more than that
As jumping off that cliff
Into the fire but what if it is more
Something to slog through
Oozing through your toes?
Please pass it on.
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