We belong to the poetry
We belong to the poetry
the mystery
the silence unfolding
or at least I know I do
and maybe you too?
:- Doug.

We belong to the poetry
the mystery
the silence unfolding
or at least I know I do
and maybe you too?
:- Doug.
This circus belongs to us
clowns and elephants
greasepaint and canvas
laughter and applaudable unreality
this much is real:
you belong to me, I to you
and the whole world one
belongs to us
:- Doug.
We need to stay true to who we are, what we are about, the gift we are offering. If the authorities don’t like it, that is their issue. We know it works, and that it always works.
:- Doug.
Even if you can only
put a dot on the page
place your dot
for it changes the page
:- Doug.
The now goes deeper than the now
if you have eyes inside your head
you might see
the person goes deeper than the person
:- Doug.