Chicken or egg again
Which came first—
the chicken or the egg?
The prokaryote
:- Doug.

Goodwill is business’s attempt to
Value in money its own
Positive regard in the minds of its relations
Goodwill is humanity’s desire to
Give hands and feet to caring for one another
Even in the face of risk
All value it so much they want to give it away
:- Doug.
It’s a grand old life
and all I’m expected to do is
get out, get in, and raise my hand!
:- Doug.
There are a hundred words
for anything important
no word can capture all
no person
so if you’re not there
how’re you ever gonna
know what I’m talkin’ about?
:- Doug.
Many climbing boys, many branches, one tree
Many trees, one forest
Many species, one wood
Many living things, one life
Many stars, one
:- Doug.
these insights give me nourishment today. Pull me to depths and slowness, another dimension of knowing: touching. Touching depth. Instantaneously. You are larger than all the cosmos, yet still present to me in this little here and now. You are as a field in which I stand and have my breathing and all my relations. You are present. You are presenting. For you are the stuff of which all beings are. life.
:- Doug.