each at stake
We are each the stake
and humanity itself at risk
each time we roll the dice to converse
:- Doug.

We are each the stake
and humanity itself at risk
each time we roll the dice to converse
:- Doug.
Start afresh each morning
This work of conversing requires
It will not come to me
I must go out and meet
At least open my gate
:- Doug.
Sharing a table
Opens us to sharing
Your most real and mine
Food for body
For souls, healing
:- Doug.
Go for the whole, the heart, their sacred essence. Hear, see, engage each one’s higher capacities. Not as doing to, as meeting, unsure with unsure.
:- Doug.
Answering, closing: our deadening desire to control
Questioning, opening: curiosity’s dissonance
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1420
different opinions
different skins
different religions
different wounds
in one circle
Please pass it on.
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Throws questions in my
Face, opens doors to strangers,
Casts my life to ground
:- Doug.
Love one another?
No, we must go deeper—
Hear one another
See one another
One—we are
Another—like you—
Parcel with this one
:- Doug.