For one another–
For one another—
:- Doug.

If my glimpse is true
our work is lifting the grey dust
to put living in reach of itself
:- Doug.
When vibrates the space
In which we stand
Then we stand forth
In each others’ faces
Space itself acts, births, breathes
:- Doug.
What is the structure of life in you, in us? How is that related to the structure of life in the universe? Can we see? Can we hitch up us to the others?
Is not this what all business, all government, all men and women coming together, all meetings, and all human activity is about, day in, day out? Hitching ourselves together, or more precisely, getting out of the way of, cooperating with, what is already together?
:- Doug.
The bridge has no personality
Nourishing waters and trees giving us oxygen
Are hidden behind flat concrete walls
We know not where in the landscape we are
Let us for life speak up
Speak truth to power
Who is this power?
Culture? Us?
:- Doug.
If someone or some plant or animal is living, what do we mean other than it has a dose of this one substance, “living?”
You are like this living, I am, and the butternut squash you planted and tend is like it too, somehow. So what share we, all three of us? It courses through us, not just in veins and roots but somehow between us, and we are in it maybe more than it is in us.
Truly this is one substance, and we are.
So what is whole is of the living and what calls upon our feelings for wholeness is what reaches people. What is most effective in this world is what most nearly is in people’s hearts, what most closely reflects their true feeling, what makes us feel most wholesome.
We must make the world in our image, and of course we do.
:- Doug.
We participate in the
personal, spiritual, and agricultural
(And what difference is among them?
Or rather what similarity, syncopation,
And self-sameness?)
We participate in one
Vast ever living self
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1415
“Poetical interrogation”
Write Prigogine and Stengers
The maker questions:
Nature, self,
All humanity, all
Questions create:
Us, me, all
I must be poet
I must question
If I question,
I can never grow up!
Please pass it on.
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There are no big projects, no things we can do in the world more significant than tending the threads among us. Building a bridge or a congress takes many kisses of spouses and children in the morning, tending of sore limbs and feelings at night, little firings of chemical synapses in the heads of those who thought of these projects and of those who have to work out the details. I say to you, none of these is more important than the other—all are needed. You, you are needed in your world tonight and tomorrow morning. You, you are needed to kiss your spouse and children and tenderly care for their sores. You, you are needed for the “little” things that your circle needs. What you, you have done today matters as much to those around you, more than what the president did with the cabinet. You, you have made the decisive touch and may never know.
:- Doug.
Naming it brings it closer. The prophets were not predicting but rather proclaiming the heart of divine-humanity, and bringing closer the beloved community. Today, you can be a prophet.
:- Doug.
Parents, children and spouses can draw on their elemental togetherness.
:- Doug.
I just discovered: I do not connect people because I am a connector, rather because I want to give. I see good everywhere, and want others to partake. This is conversation of the good variety: it is of the kind I espouse. It is not always pretty or comfortable. People—giving—our best selves to one another.
:- Doug.
What are the parts of myself in need of transformation? Besides all! How can any of us know before it happens? Ought we more often suspend our certainty to allow?
:- Doug.