Wholeness reiterates
Wholeness reiterates
:- Doug.

Let life through
in your writing
in your work
in your loving
add nothing not offered
:- Doug.
Want to write more, ponder more, yet am I called to reach out.
:- Doug.
Maybe in younger years we rightly sought to accumulate; now that is no longer appropriate, and was always pretty narrow. Startled we find growing comes from shedding.
:- Doug.
Accumulating all our lives
lately our task becomes
now with joy the larger lessons
:- Doug.
You are a compass to what
Pleases humanly
Is whole
(Same thing)
Keep still
Here, your deeper understanding
:- Doug.
eternally impersonal
the I
settled soul
So deep you fear to create it
A daily voice so quiet you hear
Faces you now
:- Doug.
Please yourself truly
you need to
the little voice pleads
to live your pushed aside life
To transcend the pedestrian dust
to lift us:
running through you
the same ribbon all have
when you, we all are shaken
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1416
But there is a bigger question here.
Please pass it on.
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People can come together
think together
care together, again
(it does happen)
you can find your way
some folks will share a map
:- Doug.
A fourth dimension
There might be
For occasionally I have glimpses
Of one inviting, beckoning me
Or just slipping
Around a corner
That when I get there is not
:- Doug.
More than you’d suspect
We all want to be vulnerable
Just in a safe place
To let our shoulders down
Be our true flawed self
:- Doug.
How do we see life moving when we watch reflectively? life cascades profligate flows too much, too much each flow touching off another life spirals ever inward embracing! embracing! seeing you seeing me again from a new angle
:- Doug.
A permanent connection with the I (Alexander)
A felt change in consciousness (Barfield)
Over one night appear
—A flower on a stalk
—A sparkling new spider artwork
Over generations seeing
Flowers traveling down a roadside!
:- Doug.