Footprints in the Windsm # 1411–there is no doubt of this
Footprints in the Windsm # 1411
There will be those who come after me
who are greater than me
there is no doubt of thisthey stand on my shoulders
I provide lift
a whisper
a not yet clear vision
demanding a decision
I do not know I demandthese hold hands with me
already I feel their hands in mine, feel their resolve
and they give me resolveI say to you among them
great as you are, little or much as you know your greatness
there will be those who come after you
who will be greater than you
there is no doubt of thisyou do not have to work so feverishly to get it all done in your lifetime
you do have to work diligently
so they will catch firethis is a bigger responsibility
Please pass it on.
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