What are you doing, honey?
What are you doing, honey?
Where did this child learn this word?
Does playing mean to the child
Doing what I’d doing when I am myself?
:- Doug.

What are you doing, honey?
Where did this child learn this word?
Does playing mean to the child
Doing what I’d doing when I am myself?
:- Doug.
Is God fractal? Unlikely, since our concept of G is that G is larger than our concepts, and fractal is only one among many. But our concepts of God are all we know of God and are in turn made up of our minds and things we see and things we imagine. We certainly make up concepts of God, and those we don’t, those that are “revealed,” are still some part revelation and some part our thinking. What we are left with, at core, is that we can say only God is, as the Hebrew writer put it, “I AM:” everything else is speculation.
:- Doug.
Is imagination fractal?
Each lobe self-same shape
as each other and as the whole?
Do we explore down new mazes
To find the same turns and strange edges
To find ourselves at a similar forest’s fringe?
Or does imagination make and find new shapes
And colors, scents, tastes, and surfaces
At moments unexpected, lifting the veil?
Or is imagination casting a light through the veil
Allowing us at last to see
The all there is is fractal?
Or otherwise?
:- Doug.