Footprints in the Windsm # 1380–Alertness, vigilance, innards
Footprints in the Windsm # 1380
Conversation arises from the unknowable and indefinable totality of persons, and not from ping-ponging strings of words back and forth. The latter is taking memories, old patterns and fixity of categories and reworking them for this word battle. The former is exposing one’s vulnerable innards to new perceptions…and therefore reshaping. Conversation then is not a technology that can be learned and applied to every setting. Conversation is more an alertness for perception and reception of the new, the unknown, the surprising in the person in front of you. When two or more meet at this level, new persons are perceived…and born. But take care: there is an unceasing movement of the new toward getting mired in old tracks of thought. That’s why conversation is a practice. The watchword is vigilance: stay alert.
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