Let’s have a Conver-Sing!
Let’s have a Conver-Sing!
:- Doug.

We are merely inviting us to turn our consciousness from the hard to the harder. From hard hearts to beating personal ones, harder to understand with one organ of our bodies. From hard inflexible numbers to the difficult questions asked by others. From hard Dollar profits to the harder cases like, from whom we may be taking for those profits.
:- Doug.
If death is ceasing to exist, ceasing to stand out—and surely we see this when we think of our ancestors whom we never saw, with whom we never conversed: when they died they ceased to stand out to us and our grandchildren—then ought we do things now to prepare for our long-term role…or non-role? One would be to blend in today, stop trying to stand out, for it will not last. One would be consciously to do something that matters for the seventh generation. What would be others?
:- Doug.