We were in a black hole?
Is it possible we were in a black hole and what we call the “big bang” was the bursting of this “singularity?”
:- Doug.

Is it possible we were in a black hole and what we call the “big bang” was the bursting of this “singularity?”
:- Doug.
The whole is becoming
Being is becoming
Becoming is doing
Doing is Being
Everything is moving he said
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1359
Invent possibility.
Please pass it on.
© c 2013, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/341-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
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Does the future cause
the past
or is it just ahead of it?
Does anything cause
anything else?
:- Doug.
In the becoming was the world
In the becoming was the word….
:- Doug.
Being to being, heart to heart, mind to mind is where and when thoughts are created, transmuted, annihilated, when and where ideas fold into and unfold out of energy to brain to energy again.
:- Doug.
There is an arrow of increasing capacity to clear the path, within which we can place various documents and steps. Where would you place Living Wills, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Representative appointments, Conversation?
:- Doug.
Given a clear path (and that does not mean laying out a map; rather getting obstacles out of the way) a person dying can do the things he or she must do, for example, Byock’s tasks of dying persons.
:- Doug.
We live in a qualitative world every bit as much as a quantitative one. Why do we sometimes try to exclude the better (and worse) part of our world merely because we cannot count it?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1358
Neediness in a conversation is as much of a gift as that by a know-it-all. The commerce is in information through ideas through creativity to real wisdom, and each of these opens the doors to meaningful exchange. It might be said asking a question is more pregnant than an authoritative answer. One starts the flow, the other risks closing it off. Serendipity comes in questionable packages.
Please pass it on.
© c 2013, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/341-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com. Back issues available at http://www.FootprintsintheWind.com
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT FootprintsInTheWind.com
Now converses with now
Now is a construct of our minds
What then does it mean that
Now converses with now?
How big is now? Where does it live?
It lives in
—Winds driving swirling coming going
—Clouds scuttling
—Our birth
—Our hugging, driving cars, running machinery
—Our dying
—Our memories
It is as big as
—You standing in my face
—Me being present to you
Sitting in silence with you or speaking
We are conversing
These are now
We are now conversing with now
:- Doug.
We know that we cannot solve life
We can only predict the probabilities
And choose
:- Doug.
“War is a failure of imagination” wrote William Stafford. For the crisis in Syria:
Imagine—mobilizing massive aid to the refugees, helping others escape.
Imagine—television and video cameras parachuted into all areas of the country.
Imagine—if you imagined a better way to stop the tragedy, to love these people.
:- Doug.
There are 5 things going on in open space: we tell, we hear, we bump, we unearth, we emerge.
:- Doug.
Open space has the effect of bringing people into density. This increases bifurcation points: choices. Examining its nonlinearity suggests that it is not only bumping together that leads to surprising choices, but that gathering makes accessible something akin to the collective unconscious or memory, and further still, that it has a catalytic effect of stirring up emergence. It does not require thinking beyond the local, immediate; however, given that we are human and see beyond our noses, we are wont to look for a bigger picture; and in either event, we affect the actions of the whole by our local actions.
So the magic of open space is not magic at all. First, it is not about making something happen for ego: it is precisely the reverse, taking us beyond ego, even sometimes going so far as to kill the ego. Second, it has a predictable quality to it, it follows a natural pattern, and is not a miracle, a deviation.
But open space is dangerous. It can rearrange these elements, all there before, and threaten the duration of those old ways and institutions. In the same way a baby threatens the existing ways of his family, bringing, if we have eyes to see, and stillness of heart to wait, the hope of new strengths and life.
:- Doug.
We see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil
because we are drawn to good each other
:- Doug.
We need not build bridges
from human to human
we already have gossamer
we see, we hear, we touch
we are touched
:- Doug.
It’s only difficult the first time.
Recently I realized that I don’t have any trouble getting my clients to talk about end of life decision making.
Why? I think it is because I am serious about the topic, give it and my clients the time they deserve, and treat my clients and the subject with respect. I don’t duck it. I bring it up.
Perhaps most professionals, lawyers and doctors especially since we are the folks who deal with the subject of death, are nervous about bringing up the subject and so we avoid it on the least suggestion of discomfort from our clients.
The video Considertheconversation.org/adoats made some of the biggest difference to me. I watched it and started showing it to groups. Any lawyer reading this who deals with our elders should see this video.
Also the work of Charlie Sabatino and the Proxy Quiz were things that helped me get serious with my clients about this.
You can get these conversations going. It is not difficult. You just have to convince yourself. Then you may hear from someone what I heard from my own son when I said my wife and I wanted to talk with him about this for ourselves: “I was wondering when you’d bring it up!”
So this post is for lawyers, for doctors…and for people with families.
:- Doug.