We need not build bridges
We need not build bridges
from human to human
we already have gossamer
we see, we hear, we touch
we are touched
:- Doug.

We need not build bridges
from human to human
we already have gossamer
we see, we hear, we touch
we are touched
:- Doug.
It’s only difficult the first time.
Recently I realized that I don’t have any trouble getting my clients to talk about end of life decision making.
Why? I think it is because I am serious about the topic, give it and my clients the time they deserve, and treat my clients and the subject with respect. I don’t duck it. I bring it up.
Perhaps most professionals, lawyers and doctors especially since we are the folks who deal with the subject of death, are nervous about bringing up the subject and so we avoid it on the least suggestion of discomfort from our clients.
The video Considertheconversation.org/adoats made some of the biggest difference to me. I watched it and started showing it to groups. Any lawyer reading this who deals with our elders should see this video.
Also the work of Charlie Sabatino and the Proxy Quiz were things that helped me get serious with my clients about this.
You can get these conversations going. It is not difficult. You just have to convince yourself. Then you may hear from someone what I heard from my own son when I said my wife and I wanted to talk with him about this for ourselves: “I was wondering when you’d bring it up!”
So this post is for lawyers, for doctors…and for people with families.
:- Doug.