Seeking surprise
I saw that surprise—novelty, invention, quantum leaps, growth, death, birth—are the essence of the world. Stasis is death. Death is stasis. We know something is alive when it kicks. So I ought love surprise, seek it out!
:- Doug.

I saw that surprise—novelty, invention, quantum leaps, growth, death, birth—are the essence of the world. Stasis is death. Death is stasis. We know something is alive when it kicks. So I ought love surprise, seek it out!
:- Doug.
Surprise there is
& surprise I have hated
Now I find surprise is the stuff of life
Surprise there ever was
Life abhors monotony
Life avoids steadiness
Surprise there must be
Life I am surprised to hear
Demands I give up my old hate
Turn to life
To surprise leapt
:- Doug.