Footprints in the Windsm # 1355–All life’s chillun do dance
Footprints in the Windsm # 1355
All life’s chillun do dance
hold hands ‘n jangle
in delight!Cells and cities
feed on the flow
coming from outside
die when cut off
when connected
the outside world!Grief & joy
—whatever you’ve got
surprise, prayer, symphony!
friends, families, worlds
intercourse & all other
the dance needs the dancers
as the singers need the song
the rain that stalled my outdoor project
today gives me water to drink
this maple tree outside my window
and I provide breathing
air for each other
we are made up of our families
and friends & they of us:
without the other
neither could be who they areThese we gotsta make
’cause we’re alive!
Please pass it on.
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