large and slow and….
This is a both/and world when it comes to physics: it includes the Newtonian physics of the large and slow, and the quantum physics of the sub atomic and fast.
:- Doug.

This is a both/and world when it comes to physics: it includes the Newtonian physics of the large and slow, and the quantum physics of the sub atomic and fast.
:- Doug.
The world is a bigger place than once we knew.
:- Doug.
Measurement varies with the measurer. Time and space do not separate events and what one sees in sequence another sees as simultaneous—or even as the reverse sequence. Mass (presence?) not gravity (profits and losses?) causes the time-space continuum to curve. “Objects” can leap from one “place” to another without going “through” the intervening “space.” Here we have some postulates describing a new way to see business: quantum business.
:- Doug.
We feel the world is out of control. But it’s not. We are. Rather, we feel we are no longer in control of what happens. Crazy dictators in North Korea. People driving on crowded walkways trying to run people down. Legislatures and Governors ganging up on poor people.
But we are not out of control. We can do something. We can love. We can extend a hand to another person. Better yet, extend an ear and a heart.
:- Doug.
Today: In love, swirling, dancing, conversing.
:- Doug.