The eye through which we see
The eye through which we see the world is the eye through which the world sees us. The imagination through which we mold the world is the imagination through which the world molds us.
:- Doug.

The eye through which we see the world is the eye through which the world sees us. The imagination through which we mold the world is the imagination through which the world molds us.
:- Doug.
Meaning is transient and that is good. Good too is transient, specific to the event.
:- Doug.
The accused adulterer, each member of the crowd accusing her, the captain of the soldiers: Jesus addressed specific persons. Herein he addressed us all. How is that? Do new stories explain: we find ourselves in those stories? In microcosm is macrocosm? Is it because we want to be individually addressed? Does our imagination make it real?
:- Doug.
Not all the birds are smart enough to figure out the bird feeder. I have indeed wondered how they do figure it out. I have seen woodpeckers pecking at the outside of the clear plastic tube, trying to get at the seeds and grains inside—only a few inches away from the opening where they could eat at will. I just saw a bird sitting on the perch, eying closely the seed to the right of the hole, and then to the left, and then giving up and flying away!
:- Doug.