But where are the ones
Those there are who hold authority is in church
Those there are who hold authority is in Bible
But where are the ones who find it in G?
:- Doug.

Those there are who hold authority is in church
Those there are who hold authority is in Bible
But where are the ones who find it in G?
:- Doug.
This bed, this bird, this red wheel barrow
Too is a result of G
And if result then carrier
For into each
the heart of G rubs off
:- Doug.
Can a G who is distributed mean me, call each of the hairs on my head by name? Why not? Any limitation stems from a limitation on our imagination.
:- Doug.
My thoughts this morning of a cosmic scale are around the personal, I-mean-you God. Does G get personal? I want to say Yes, but I realize that those in the East would probably say No. So I want to keep open to You.
The first picture we have is of a G that/who is congealed into one place-time. A lump. Yet we know this does not fit well, for we have concepts of omni presence and the like.
The second picture is of us being spread all about.
The third is of betweens multiplying exponentially as we multiply mathematically.
The fourth is of quantum betweens, non existent, or at least not passed through.
So then I have these newer pictures that come to me: At the Gift conference, people listening to me respectfully, taking me in, hearing me. At a lawyers conference, the whole group working to solve a client problem for me, with me.
Then I realize that G does not need to be out there, but can be built in to each of us. Not so much are we hard-wired to G, but that G is in our sinews, and when we are squeeze and even touched, we exude G. Perhaps we are even G in the sense that together we make up G, or at least we embody into the world G.
So in this way, G is personal to each of us in that G comes from within us and knows us and means us. Again, G means us when another person speaks our name.
:- Doug.
G is a wheel: sometimes closer to my eyes is gathering, sometimes freeing, sometimes inviting. We too can be a wheel with each other.
:- Doug.