Why do retired people go on vacation?
Why do retired people go on vacation? What in our lives do we want to get away from? Or do we hope always for the new?
:- Doug.

Why do retired people go on vacation? What in our lives do we want to get away from? Or do we hope always for the new?
:- Doug.
When you look you cannot see
G in that window, this puppy dog’s tail,
our bargaining for a used car
because to see G we’d need to back up
far enough to see it all
But we cannot do that for then
our eye’d be outside what it’s inside
:- Doug.
Let’s no longer call it “social media” for it is more important, profound and practical that that. Let’s call it the professional field when professionals are organically growing a community of practice, the activist field when we are making things happen, and the human heart field when we are making life easier for one another. When we see ourselves larger we are larger.
:- Doug.
It’s about justice but more than that
It’s so no one will be made to suffer
That we must converse about end of life
:- Doug.