“We play what we hear”
“We play what we hear”
We invite where we are invited
Rather, where we are received
:- Doug.

“We play what we hear”
We invite where we are invited
Rather, where we are received
:- Doug.
Wanting the game, neighborhood children
for shorter ones allow more tries, shorten distances
Do we as adults still want the game?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1344
One poem, one scrap
of paper can only free
its one butterfly
Please pass it on.
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The way we make this the best place to die is to sand our fingertips: to develop our sensitivity to people and their way of dying. Our compassion. We put ourselves in their shoes—won’t we get there someday, too? How do they want to be met? Met, not treated—this is not about doing to. All life is a walking with, a helping one another. How can you, in your work, be strong in your compassion: feel with?
:- Doug.