You are invited to be part of this all
You are invited to be part of this all.
:- Doug.

Since this is one whole, this uni-verse, anything we do makes it new, creates possibilities, and each being can see into existence any reality.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1339
the meeting of highways
of life, love & meaning,
of daughters & sons
wives & husbands
mothers & fathers
of inviting & freeing & gathering
this conversation is
—it only takes a little seeing
of who is there in front of you
to gather in their sparks and yours
Please pass it on.
© c 2013, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/331-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
Change is good: it allows me to maneuver; I can use it to fit what’s happening around me.
:- Doug.
Open Space opens us to a new way of seeing and being our world
Circles as well as straight lines
Equality added back to hierarchy
Creativity added to authority
Humanity and command and control
Distributed leadership as well as upstairs
We added to you
Resources found among resources lacking
With OS we have
Many hands on multifaceted challenges
Many minds to work out entangled knots
Many hearts to touch
:- Doug.
I was thinking of a particular couple and one has Alzheimer’s. They probably sometimes think their future is bleak. Then this came to me:
Don’t enjoy the future: enjoy the present.
:- Doug.
This is something we owe our communities, our families: to have this end of life conversation, to converse. For here is caring, here is loving, here is coming together.
:- Doug.
Required for any task, ever in us flowing
Hearts and minds
Resources? A well-spring have we!
:- Doug.
We say the world is one, God is one, and we mean complete, whole, rounded, full.
:- Doug.
“Asleep in Jesus:” that’s what the note said about our friend. To me this phrase is a sickly saccharine euphemism suggesting that the speaker cannot use the word died, perhaps cannot come to terms with his or her own mortality. I will die. You will die. Late or soon. Dead. Doornail. Avoiding the words does not hold death at bay. I do not know what the process will be when I meet it, even though I know some of the physical markers. More often for me to be “asleep in Jesus” means snoozing in the pew.
:- Doug.
The credo: Children call God’s heart to conceive. So do pure people. Life is of God, holy, sacred. The key thing about this is the exercise of turning ourselves around so as not to put an image on God, not to anthropomorphize. Not so much “God is” nor even “Is God,” rather, “This is how we know the presencings and workings of God.” We want to say more accurately how we meet the holy and the sacred. God is in our face and behind and beneath us: pushing us on, cheering us on, holding us up, providing ground beneath our feet.
:- Doug.
Turn you around, look at your world in another direction, once. When the people chant “I believe” explore what you might see from the seat facing. “I believe that Heaven and Earth is God creating.”
:- Doug.
If you have to have a goal, hold it lightly. It might break. Or it might take you away from your life.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1338
Hear the sound of moaning as the wind leans on your door
And tell me,
Which is moaning—wind or door?
Please pass it on.
© c 2013, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/331-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
In conversing, turning, we are being pleasant toward, we are entertaining and challenging each other’s heart and mind. So we are inviting heart and head to open. We are inviting open.
But we are saying more than open in “only invite.” We are saying do not sell. We are saying you are welcome here, safe. We are saying I want you along. Along for dancing, turning. We say If you do not feel or think this is your place, then you are under no obligation to come.
:- Doug.