Friend, thank you!
Friend, thank you!
:- Doug.

Clouds are like Open Space, lots of juicy friends holding hands, being fertile, flying, calling other friends together, shifting shape, now and again nurturing growing things, looking like they are one being.
:- Doug.
The redbuds are glorious this year. They are standing enjoying the sun, smiling. Happy to be planted where they are, inviting those with legs and wings to run to them.
:- Doug.
What is our meaningful work now that we’ve wised up? Can we grow us the rest of the way up?
:- Doug.
The work of our later years can be the BG&T—the beautiful, the good, the true.
:- Doug.
Just because it’s been that way all your lifetime doesn’t mean it is beautiful, good or true. Try out a different assumption. What assumption? I don’t know—what different assumption can you think of?
:- Doug.
What are the vignettes of your life? What are the vines that run through them?
:- Doug.
People want to make meaning. They do it with quilts, with reminiscing, with children and spouses and friends. They do it at big events like weddings and births and funerals. It is what we do as a species. It is something we could get on purpose about, and maybe even make meaning going forward, too: what can we do to make meaning in our lives, our politics, our world?
:- Doug.
White trees!
Burnt orange trees!
Deep blood-purple trees!
And O! the fragrances!
:- Doug.
I want to let my heart go out to the larger, the all that is. That happens a lot for me. It is good.
:- Doug.
Let us report to each other daily in our weather forecasts, statistics about our use of fresh water, clean air, fish, timber, about carbon emissions, topsoil depletion—so that we become more conscious of what we are doing good and bad to our home, and so that we are givers and not takers from the earth.
:- Doug.
Praying and singing and liturgy and filling the spaces and time with preached sermons are all good ways to worship; but have you still to try silence and open receptivity?
:- Doug.
Are we in the information dissemination business? As a community of practice, what do we want the information to do? Do we want to affect what people do—for good? Then ought we to admit that openly and work purposely?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1328
I’m not in charge of whomever comes, whatever happens, whenever it starts nor when it ends. Why should this be a great revelation?
Please pass it on.
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It is not enough to believe
in loving others as self
in the unity of all
We must also belive
:- Doug.