You’ve come for the magic
You’ve come for the magic.
:- Doug.

Great quantities of unknown
Even surprises
Greying hair gives us to love
:- Doug.
Less a technician am I than lover & hearer & fan.
:- Doug.
Am I accepting all invitations with my name on them? No. Indeed the world sends me a cornucopia of invitations each day, and I can choose. Could I choose more? Yes! I resolve to accept more invitations!
:- Doug.
The reasons most people do not know what they want are they haven’t thought about it and they don’t know what are their choices.
:- Doug.
Weather seems ever a surprise—even to meteorologists. And why not? If you’re standing inside a roiling cauldron, how can you tell when and from where the next wave comes?
:- Doug.
Caring is an attitude of my heart; care is a commercial transaction.
:- Doug.
We can all help parents and children take care for one another.
:- Doug.
Do you know what’s better than planning? Dialogue.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1329
The pair of ducks out
side my window are my
meditation teachers
Please pass it on.
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Why would you want to be free of pain and mentally present in your last days? Because otherwise you could be prevented from doing something meaningful to you.
:- Doug.
The absolute most important thing you can do if you want to get what you want to get when you’re approaching death is to approach someone who will be there and tell ’em what you want to get. Converse. The second thing is to find out if they will get it for you. Third, appoint them in writing so the medical people know who knows what you want to get.
Let me tell you a secret: even you don’t know what you want to get till you have the conversation. Conversing helps you figure it out.
:- Doug.
What are 10 ways we can be kind to people who are dying?
:- Doug.
List at least 10 ways people want to be treated when they are approaching death. Are there any of these with which you strongly disagree? If your mother or father wanted that could you do it for them if you wanted the opposite for yourself?
:- Doug.
How do you know they know what you’d want, if you haven’t asked them?
:- Doug.