An airliner is a long tube
An airliner is a long tube by which we travel in relative discomfort to or from a place of pleasure, respite, wedding, grief or money.
:- Doug.

An airliner is a long tube by which we travel in relative discomfort to or from a place of pleasure, respite, wedding, grief or money.
:- Doug.
In Open Space the part-takers are windows, doors and skylights, opening ways, creating space and vision, giving air and breath, insight and vision, opening us to the sidereal.
:- Doug.
Swirl among the flows
Inside the spinning whirlpools
Swimmers: none! Just prayer
:- Doug.
If there are no words to describe our holy moments maybe it is up to us to imagine them into being. And yet that would be violating the holy, trying to affix handles.
:- Doug.
Is God silence? Can we at least say that what we say of silence applies also to God and maybe vice versa? This exists, below all sound. This is all around us, and within us. This is a subtle envelope for our lives, a birthing pool. Yet silence seems to exist, to be noun; it is hard to imagine silence as verb as we can God. Seeing God as verb, we are invited to address God as verb: moving, acting, touching, friending.
:- Doug.
Spirit, conversation and love are about movement and verb and giving, not space and noun and possessing.
:- Doug.
It’s not as if one color of skin is worse—or better—than mine. It is merely different. That is what makes it holy.
:- Doug.
After dipping my toes in the literature I find myself noticing first how statistics-driven medicine is, as if life can be held in a set of numbers but seldom arms.
:- Doug.
When I read I’m not after where the writer goes but where as a result of this journey life can lead.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1330
the stumbling, the inarticulate
holds and displays life
here the holy, the mystery
Please pass it on.
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Little pieces of God
All around
What are we doing to help
Reunite them?
:- Doug.
G*d does not make things better; G*d makes them more whole.
:- Doug.
WOSonOS is a conference on conferences, more precisely a self organizing conference on self organizing conferences.
:- Doug.
Nature fulfilling, auto-fulfilling, are we. When we are kind to the environment, we are nature. When wonder at the heavens, nature. When we doubt global warming or deny the trash we heap up, we are.
:- Doug.
We do what we do for love—even when we hate, even when we ignore, even when we fear. For these evens are against love, defined, determined by love. What we’re about is love. Gathering.
:- Doug.
What’s underneath that? You say your religion saves. Or this is a good investment. Or you ask us to give to a particular charity. What’s under that? Why? Why, again? To be together in love. To live. To love others. What share we in common? What brings us together? This is what it means to be holy, to be human.
:- Doug.
What is the important stuff about which to speak with one another? It is things of the spirit, the lasting stuff. Not the differences among us but the relatedness of us, the threads that run through our hearts, the streams of clear water that run through our humanity.
What is the stuff of humanity? Caring for one another. Even the stranger. Helping. Reverence for life. Doing what is larger. Ever expanding. Loving. Inventing. Creating. Making whole. Making holy. Making sense. Making meaning. Making mystery.
All the math and rational thinking serves the larger. The stuff of our spirit and of our heart is the larger. Here is where we come together. Hear. Heart.
:- Doug.
When someone asks us How are you doing? we can take the conversation anywhere, even to the soaring depths.
:- Doug.
Rather than time, let us notice when we are using wisely our attention.
:- Doug.