with one turn around this globe
Life is sacred
life is not done
with one turn
around this globe
sanctity is
in its ebbs and flows
I die yet lives life!
:- Doug.
Life is sacred
life is not done
with one turn
around this globe
sanctity is
in its ebbs and flows
I die yet lives life!
:- Doug.
I used to think God was high above
Then God seemed below holding me up
Now we are walking through God all about us
This too shall be surpassed
God maybe larger maybe otherwise entirely
:- Doug.
Could family and friend caregivers come together to help our national community better support the ones for whom we care? Perhaps we could concentrate on the three main trajectory disease groups: cancers and their cliffs; chronic heart diseases and emphysema and their slow decline punctuated by exacerbating events; dementias and frailties with their longer, slower declines.
:- Doug.