Speak what is upon your heart, seasoned.
Speak what is upon your heart, seasoned.
:- Doug.

Don’t assume the straight line. Twenty-Six years ago I prepared a Will for Mom and Dad. Six years ago Mom and Dad had a Will prepared by another—normally I would surmise I had lost these clients forever. But no. Yesterday, child and grandchild came to me to help Dad who is now in nursing home. The future, as well as the past spirals, goes up and down, sometimes returning to the beginning. Don’t assume the straight line.
:- Doug.
Don’t put off “until the time” sharing what you want when seriously ill: if you can converse at that time, it may happen that no one will want to break the silent vow of “keep life going.” You can exercise reverence for life better when the pressure is off.
:- Doug.
The pond is ever the pond
reflecting snow in winter
grass in summer
buildings, trees, leaves or no
different water every minute
wind at times ripples the surface
or makes wavelets
or its surface becomes flat as glass
a mystery—
the pond is ever the pond
:- Doug.
tracks in the snow
where squirrels ran
from tree to tree
at least some of it
must have been play
:- Doug.
Mama Maphosela took in twenty children so far
whose parents died of HIV/AIDS
push back the kitchen table
to make places to sleep
these little ones had no where else to go
so her “Yes” materializes a haven
:- Doug.
Beneath the river
earth holding it
beneath and within
Beneath our thoughts
beneath and within
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1295
I seem to collect more insight after I have finished journaling than during. Journaling clears the clutter out of my way, so is necessary prologue. So don’t stretch journaling, allow it to come as it will and then be done.
Please pass it on.
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God is bigger than we know
saying God is father, He, and God says
limits us
:- Doug.
Today we have all these chronic diseases. So we die slowly, over weeks and months and years. We are perhaps too early in this phase to realize that dying is a human event we must work with and care about. So far all we have been doing is figuring out how to defer dying. But when it is here, we have not yet worked out a way to be present, to respond. We are just beginning to notice the suffering we are putting upon others and ourselves.
:- Doug.
Life is not collecting
a bunch of pretty pebbles
of experiences
rather meeting what
and especially whom
enters our lives
sharing a morsel
:- Doug.
We speak of quality of life but do we ask What is the quality of our dying?
:- Doug.
Why do we so often say
God made us?
—when we are
spirit of God’s spirit
blood of God’s blood
delight of God’s heart!
Rather we are
engendered, brought forth,
begotten of God
:- Doug.
A map can tell us how close
we are to our destination
or how close we are to
our path
I don’t want to know
how close I am to my end
:- Doug.