Footprints in the Windsm # 1300–How would we recognize family if we saw it?
Footprints in the Windsm # 1300
How would we recognize family when we saw it? What gets in the way of it? What makes ready for it? For we can only ever really make ready. Make ourselves ready, open the space, invite. But grace is ever present and favors a prepared soul, a prepared between.
What would be a prepared between? Emptying ourselves of what the conversation should accomplish, or even be. Emptying ourselves of shields, of ideas of who starts the conversation, or where it leads. Emptying ourselves of our selves.
Stepping into the between. Choosing to accept any and all offers and invitations. Choosing to be vulnerable. Choosing to let go of outcomes.
Valuing being together. Valuing whatever happens. Valuing whoever comes and whoever stays away.
Resolving (and renewing our resolve) to stay for as long as it takes, and not a moment longer.
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