all about us
The wind
the all about us
the swirling
pray here
meet here
:- Doug.

What we do today, here, is setting the world to right spinning. We do in the minute tasks and large efforts what we can. Yes, the single monk or nun in the cell keeps the world centered on its axis. Yes, the mighty efforts of the reformer and the martyr keep the world turning in the right direction. Yes, our daily cleaning and caring and keeping our eyes on what matters are of this world-tending order as well. This is beyond despair and beyond hope: our whole-making small and large, in our moments and in our decades. We are momentarily whole-making.
:- Doug.
On the way in I was opening to all the people going to work, going to loving the others of us, even if they were not aware they were loving, all the things people are going through in their lives, grief, pain, medical worries, marriages, births, problems, joys, all of human life. And all of this is of God, God in action. And so the question, am I loving enough? What are my opportunities to be more loving? Whom can I hear? And in this, I am partaking of the eternal, the infinite, the connected.
:- Doug.
How am I not loving enough?
This is not to bring up guilt but
to examine with hope my opportunities
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1291
O Sandy Hook
I am on the rim
of an endless sea of tears!
each time I recall your twenty
young beautiful lively
children lying in their own blood
laughter & learning & ricochets
mingled now, echoing away
Mourn, America!
Silence! Keep silence.
Allow your tears.
Only sob.
Our children our children
are dead
Please pass it on.
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Can we
together in the moment
exercise and rely upon
our best human qualities
Do we dare
contribute things
which may be
of eternal import?
:- Doug.
The ensemble is of God
I will write only of the larger
the inclusive
:- Doug.
As explorers and discoverers
let us engage
each other
What is possible?
What do we not know if…?
:- Doug.
This is true with all harvests I suppose: there is a mystery behind the growth and the life—there is always a mystery to life, yes? It is good to have the harvest. The seeds, the fertile soil, the rains, the wind, the sun, the warmth. And the mysterious thing, life. All are part of my life. There is one life as my unmet friend said. So I am part of all of these as well.
:- Doug.
At all scales
nature’s movements
resemble nature—
free &
swaying with the music!
:- Doug.
From seeds in readings
& years of turning the fertile soil—
harvest overnight!
:- Doug.
Of course absolute dependence upon G*d; also absolute interdependence with. The mystery is G*d needs us—each one of us—and the between of us.
:- Doug.
Sitting with you. That is all that seems necessary at this moment.
:- Doug.
Things you cannot deplete
but only make more of:
Love, open space, hearing,
wholeness, story, meeting
Which is to say, G*d
:- Doug.
It depends upon that for which you are looking, doesn’t it? If you are looking for differences with another, they are easy to find. We are truly more alike than different, but with our habit of looking for distinctions, it will also take us more work to find what we share. Other peoples, or ourselves in other times, might see these living things instantly. For now, dig.
:- Doug.
The place in which we worship
cars splishing by
rumble, rapping, rattle
can be a metaphor for how we
worship in this room:
travelers one to a vehicle
some speeding, darting,
or slowing, stopping,
or listening to their own music,
& maybe something divine
:- Doug.
Speaking peace to us she said
If you eat enough apples
there is not room for Doritos®
What do you get out of your worship?
another asked her
I wanted to ask
Do we worship to get?
Then I saw my question
as What to eat?
as a little war
:- Doug.