What I could not see
My work is to help others see
What I could not see
:- Doug.

To meet is to put ourselves forward, vulnerable; to stand in the face of; to expect, expect anything; and to keep on doing this.
:- Doug.
We must look for ways to simply be in the presence of the more. Not holding, not holding on, not experiencing nor using. Neither allowing nor disallowing. Neither being nor doing. How can we not do being in the presence? It is called meeting. Neither knowing nor not knowing. Neither doing nor suffering. I’ll meet you there. I and you are necessary sounds, there is no there, meet is all. No meaning, no weaving of something into something else. Meet.
:- Doug.
We posit something larger than anything we can name: to that we give the label God. But then our label is our way of making this smaller than us.
:- Doug.