What the larger field is called
The larger field that invites lumping and bumping is what we call the divine.
:- Doug.
The larger field that invites lumping and bumping is what we call the divine.
:- Doug.
Where fields lump (fields that touch humans) is a person. Whether we are aware of the touch or not. The more we lump and bump, the more we are persons.
:- Doug.
You are in the field of the sunlight. You are in the field of the earth’s gravitation. You are in the field of someone’s love.
:- Doug.
Clouds are a metaphor worth exploring: constantly changing, carrying tons of water through the air, staying together, angry, nurturing, happy.
:- Doug.
The problem with politics is that politics gets in the way. Politics might be ideologies, but more often it is simply someone who wants to protect his or her job, position of power, or limelight. If we once move beyond these stumbling blocks, we can find many great roads.
:- Doug.
Getting past the magic to the mystical, from WIIFM to What’s In It For the World, what do we have? A wholeness flashing to bring about life and living: loving. We are ever coming together and reaching out, but the we is something larger than particles.
So we bump and spark each other and we see that we are larger than our skins, larger that we thought we were.
This is the secret: the power of giving, of finding something larger in you that you can activate to help someone else, and thus finding yourself larger than your skin, larger in fact than this group of so many people.
:- Doug.
What calls me is the flashing in and out of existence of electrons and elementary particles and persons! What are the fields? Lumps of space: no. Domains or environs of energy or force. Energy bumps energy in this region, something becomes. Persons become.
It is different from the old pictures of halos around people: more the halo is first, the flash is first, and then the person. The divinity is in the fields and when the fields bump, there is a flash and here we are!
:- Doug.
Life is not after identity, a billion cells collectively called Doug or Linda. The cells, this collection, this thing called life, cares not a gnat’s eyelash about identity. What they seek is life. Life meets and responds, joins with other life to go on living, ever more living. Living.
Living suggests touching as well as being touched, choosing, acting upon. Living more.
Living dances with.
And yet: the system does self-reference. Paradox lives. Life is paradox.
:- Doug.
Our politics flows from our world view: politicians speak back to us what we were already thinking, only saying it out loud. In our day we fear the world and the others in it because we see only bliss and disaster, mainly disaster. The same is true of our businesses: if we do not sell more we go out of business, you lose your job and die; fear death and sell!
The truth is there are 1,000 right ways to live, to organize our collective efforts for better. There is more danger in thinking there are only two choices. Let us open our eyes and ways 1,000-fold.
:- Doug.
As energy bumps energy: flash! The flash is what we see as a person, yet the truth is our seeing is done in our brain more than in our eye, for it is in here that meaning and organization are attached.
:- Doug.
If electrons pop into existence when two fields intersect, then what of persons? Persons are (at least in the eyes of their conversation partners of the moment) the sum total of the betweens, chutes, ladders, and conveyances between them and what is conveyed from one to the other. We can talk about our jobs and businesses, our grandchildren, or about what is in our hearts. Each one of these brings out a different person. So we do pop as persons when these fields of interest and passion intersect: weakly if we share little of the energy charge of our lives, greatly if we share a great deal of the force within which we breathe.
:- Doug.
The dance
The dance
The lord of the dance
Become the lord of your dance
Enter in, all the world’s a dance
And you the lord of yours
Creating all around our dance
:- Doug.
Participation is a field
in each room we enter
telephone sings to me
:- Doug.
Be not deceived by the ordinariness of your engagement here in Open Space—something profound has happened—and in you. (It has come from betweens.)
:- Doug.
Beginning empty
Ending empty
In the middle, great shift
Weak naked vulnerable
Sprouts green
:- Doug.
To luxuriate in bed this morning
savoring awakening & dreaminess
to luxuriate in this day
the calls, the meetings, getting things done
Is to live whole
:- Doug.
Silence is one
Can we too?
:- Doug.
Be the betweens
:- Doug.
to be
the between
:- Doug.
:- Doug.
Sans force, sans effort, sans duty
Become the good
Passion dances with responsibility
Everything is enfolding, unfolding
Stillness & emptiness at the entire
:- Doug.
We can never play God
Even as we always have
Divinity in our bones
:- Doug.
I’m a pattern evocateur
So are we all!
:- Doug.